Frequently Asked Questions

I am received a letter from BOT Services LTD

This is the time to get in contact with us to discuss the matter or please use the payment portal to make payment

I have received a letter but the person doesn't live here?

We will need to see proof to avoid further action at the property. This can be a council tax bill or Tenancy agreement and you can forward this to

[email protected] - or you can discuss how else to send it to us via telephone or WhatsApp

After pre-enforcement - what comes next for you?

If you have failed to make the payment or set a reasonable arrangement, this could lead to a CCJ, Warrant of control or Liability order being granted to collect the outstanding monies

this from here could affect your credit rating or in the case of a warrant of control or liability order your assets could be act risk of being seized and or removed.

How does the fee structure work?

Fee structure is based on government legalisation. which can be found on the gov website as well as in any proposal given

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There are many ways to get in touch with us





BOT Services LTD

98 Edith Grove


SW10 0NH

Company Registration Number 12001190
